Fill out a triage form to get a non-urgent callback from our team during surgery hours.

Contact Telephone Numbers

Health Centre Reception01577 862112
Out of Hours/NHS 111111
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service0300 123 1236
NHS inform – helpline0800 22 44 88
Community Midwives01577 866421
Community Nurses01577 865335
Health Visitors01577 865335
Physiotherapists01577 866402


A Gault & M Oliphant   01577 862273
W Wait   01577 864573


Fernbrae01382 667203
Murrayfield   0131 341 5709
Perth Royal Infirmary/Ninewells01382 660111
Queen Margaret/Lynebank01383 623623
Royal Hospital for Sick Children0131 536 0000
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh0131 536 1000
Stracathro01356 647291
Victoria/Cameron/Forth Park01592 643355
Western General Edinburgh0131 537 1000
Yorkhill Glasgow0141 201 0000


Davidsons, Milnathort  01577 862219
Rowlands, Kinross01577 862422

Other Services

PKAVS Carers HUB 01738 567076
Princess Royal Trust for Carers01738 567076
Perth and Kinross Council 01738 475000