There are many services available to help you to stay healthy and well. Some of these can be accessed directly (see below), and for others, you need to be registered with a GP Practice.
- If you wish to consult a GP/Nurse about a medical condition, you should contact the Surgery to arrange an appointment.
- When you see your GP/Nurse they may arrange for further tests to be carried out. If so, they will explain the arrangements for these tests and how you will get the results. These tests may be carried out within the Health Centre or at another medical centre.
- If the GP/Nurse thinks that you need to be seen by a Specialist Doctor or other Healthcare Professional they will refer you. You cannot make an appointment to see an NHS Specialist without being referred by your GP
- If you require medicine the GP/Nurse (Prescriber) will give you a prescription which you will need to take to a Pharmacy, who will supply the medicine for you
- If you have a preference for either a male or a female GP/Nurse please check with us before you register, as sometimes we may only have male or only female Doctors and Nurses available
- We can arrange an Interpreter if required, who may work either face-to-face or by telephone. If you need this service please ask for this when making an appointment as this must be booked in advance
It would be appreciated if you would help us to keep surgeries running smoothly by:
- attending appointments at the time stated. If you cannot attend, please tell us in advance so the appointment can be used by someone else who needs it. If you repeatedly do not attend appointments, we may de-register you.
- booking one appointment per patient. If other family members require medical attention they require a separate appointment.
- letting us know if you need to discuss a complex medical issue as we may be able to provide a longer appointment for you
Other sources of help
- Cough or cold, or if your child has a minor ailment – a Pharmacist may be able to help you
- Eye problem – you should go to an Optician
- Dental problem – your should go to a Dentist
- Foot problem – you can access Podiatry Services
- Specialist consultation – a GP will refer you
If you become unwell when we are closed, please dial the surgery number as normal and your call will be transferred to the Out of Hours Service or alternatively, you may be given another telephone number to call.
24-hour emergency cover is provided by NHS 111
There are Minor Injuries Units at most hospitals where staff will assess minor injuries such as sprains, burns, and simple fractures and either treat them or, if they find a more serious problem, arrange for you to be seen by the most appropriate Healthcare Professional. For a list of Minor Injury units near you please access the button below.