Fill out a triage form to get a non-urgent callback from our team during surgery hours.

Allied Health Professionals

Pharmacy Team

The Pharmacy Team is available from 9:30 – 2:30, Monday to Thursday to assist with medication queries.

Community Midwives – 01738 473270

Providing care for pregnant women before and after delivery of their baby.

Health Visitors – 01577 865335

Work in partnership with Doctors and other members of the Primary Health Care team and promote general health and well-being. They deal with a wide range of social and healthcare problems. Services including health advice for under 5’s, immunisations, developmental assessments, supporting mothers and providing advice to those over 75.


Refer to a podiatrist with this form.

Physiotherapists – Tel: 01577 862112

First Contact Physiotherapy offers patients over 16 the opportunity to book an assessment with a specialist physiotherapist rather than a GP.  If you have pain or movement issues associated with a muscle, back, or joint problem First Contact Physiotherapy may help.  Problems causing pain that have arisen because of an injury within the last 48 hours, particularly where there is also a wound that requires treatment, will be dealt with by a Practice Nurses. 

Speech Therapists

Assess, diagnose and treat communication disorders. They work with patients and their relatives, carers and other health professionals. They operate an open referral system so anyone may refer themselves or their child, or this may be done by a GP, Health Visitor or Nurse.

Visiting Consultants

Consultants from Perth Royal Infirmary and Ninewells Hospital run out-patient clinics including general surgery, psychiatry, and pediatrics.